Kononsuba aqua freeter
Kononsuba aqua freeter

Her intelligence stats don't have such a low cap for no reason. Meet your favourite ‘KONOSUBA! God’s Blessing On This Wonderful World!‘ characters in a visual novel with a twist. In the novel, Aqua still gets lost in Axel despite living there for a year and she spent her entire fortune on a because some guy told her it was a, she runs from tiny monsters that wouldn't be able to make a scratch on her. Threat level : Wolf-, Tiger- against evil beings. Is she actually dumb dumb or is it more having dumb shenanigans and not thinking things thru I know there’s overlap between those two choices but what I mean is: some people irl too make seriously dumb decisions day to day being ditzy but when it rly comes down to it they’re not dumb and can probably. Join Kazuma, a reincarnated adventurer in another world, and experience the turbulent days he spends with his unfortunate party members. The funny thing about most of the partys blunders is that Aqua, Megumin, and Darkness usually dont suffer for their mistakes. Origins: Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku Wo Classification: Goddess. 7.13K subscribers 332K views 2 years ago Aqua, the goddess of the town of Arcanretia tried to convince the people that she was the deity who they had worshipped all along and that there is a. This article is part of a directory: Anime Spring 2023. PQube and MAGE’S are excited to announce that isekai comedy visual novel ‘KONOSUBA! God’s Blessing On This Wonderful World! Love For These Clothes Of Desire!’ is coming soon to Steam, PlayStation 4 & Nintendo Switch! Published Kazumas party have made their fair share of mistakes throughout Konosuba.

Kononsuba aqua freeter