Lumens fiber
Lumens fiber

That's what gives Lumen the ability to tell a customer, within seconds, where they should be spending their dollars to optimize that investment. But if these data sets are overlaid, its appearance will be close to solid, and automated decision making will be much more reliable – and of course much faster. Whichever way you look at a network, whether as a physical system, or a geographical information system (GIS) or indeed from the end-users viewpoint because they depend on human interaction, they will have holes like Swiss cheese.

lumens fiber

Lumens fiber full#

We call this ‘colorless network’.” Full horizontal and vertical visibility of the entire network inventory became essential, he says. As such, we sourced data from each of our systems creating a composite view that gave us a full topological look at our network, irrespective of systems and processes. As Shawn Draper explains: “We decided that our historical patterns couldn’t scale. Instead, it embraced the concept of federated inventory that gives a holistic overview of all its assets and enables the company to view, consume, plan, manage and assure its network as a common asset irrespective of legacy systems and processes. In its shift from telco to technology platform, Lumen changed its approach and determined the company would no longer continue to simply accrue capacity, managing discrete systems and running different products over the top, but neither would it seek the traditional solution of migrating the siloed systems inherited with multiple expansions and acquisitions to a common platform. Now VP of Enterprise Platform Engineering, he has evolved and carried this vision forward to drive much of Lumen's network automation and standardization strategy, which is the basis for Lumen’s transformation from telco to technology platform. This is the company's outstanding asset, with which few can compete.įew know more about Lumen's subsequent journey from being a primarily rural telecoms provider to being a technology company with the ability to deliver network service and network capability at the pace of compute than Shawn Draper. Lumen continues to extend its existing 450,000-mile fiber network. Another new brand under the Lumen umbrella, Quantum Fiber, is a fully digital platform for delivering fiber-based products and services to residents and small businesses.

lumens fiber

A name change to Lumen Technologies from CenturyLink in September 2020 reflected the way the company itself had already successfully integrated the technologies and capabilities it had accrued and developed as a telecoms leader with the ability to serve the needs of large corporations. One huge competitive advantage it holds lies in its extensive fiber network. It was to grow into one of the USA's largest and most successful providers of telecommunications infrastructure and services, making a large number of acquisitions along the way. Lumen’s origins go back to well before WWII as a local telecoms provider in Louisiana, still the location of its HQ.

Lumens fiber