Urban agriculture generates 20% of the world's food, keeping everyone in the globe involved in urban farming. Owing to the reduced transportation costs and the availability of fresh, healthy goods at competitive rates, urban farming is gaining popularity. In addition, urban farming gives farmers more control over how their food is produced. As there is no soil, the weight on the wall or roof is greatly decreased, and the building is not damaged structurally. Urban vertical farming is a way of growing plants vertically, one above the other, in a compact space, using hydroponic or other technologies. According to urban farming research the escalating population growth and global food security issues, growing food for human consumption in cities might be one way to increase global food supply. Many people are cultivating and enjoying organic farming by growing fresh microgreens and other plants in their home garden. In hydroponics or soil-less farming, the plant is grown in a nutrient-rich water solution rather than soil. However, thanks to technology's miracles, farming is now feasible in compact places thanks to urban vertical farming and hydroponics. The lack of available space is a hindrance to farming in a city. However, a new generation of farmers is revolutionizing agriculture by assisting in harvesting superfoods in kitchens without the need of chemicals or pesticides in this form of organic farming. Growing urbanisation has driven farms to the outskirts of towns. As the world's population grows, so does the need for urban gardening in the form of home garden. Urban farming is the growth of indoor and outdoor plants for the purpose of preparing and providing food to local residents in and around cities in the form of home garden by means of Aquaponics, Aerophonics, and Hydroponics. Urban farming industry has witnessed huge demand in its application such as agriculture, commercial and others. Urban farming Market size was estimated at $213 Billion in 2020, projected to grow at a CAGR of 2.8% during the forecast period 2021-2026.